Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf book 1937
€185,00Standard Mein Kampf (My Battle/Struggle) printed in 1937. Complete with all pages and in good condition. Hitler picture remains present. A solid example!
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Standard Mein Kampf (My Battle/Struggle) printed in 1937. Complete with all pages and in good condition. Hitler picture remains present. A solid example!
Standard Mein Kampf (My Battle/Struggle) printed in 1934. Complete with all pages and in good condition. Hitler picture remains present. Complete with often missing paper cover. A solid example!
Well preserved MK in good condition. Unissued example. Complete with blank attribution page in the front. Interesting example, printed in 1943. Complete with often missing slide-in box.
Rare Dutch translated offical edition of Mein Kampf ‘Mijn Kamp’. Complete book in good condition, shows normal signs of wear, please see pictures.
Interesting document grouping from Unteroffizier Hans Krisch serving in Panzergrenadier-Regiment 21, part of the 24th Panzer-Division that saw action in Stalingrad. The grouping consist of a Iron Cross 2nd class document and a rare Close Combat Clasp (Nahkampfspange im Bronze) document. Interesting to see is the period error they made, when they erased one roman…
Nice grouping containing three award documents of Leutnant Rudolf Matthäus, part of Infanterie-Regiment 181 (52. Infantry Divisionon). The documents are for the Iron Cross first and second class and a Silver Wound Badge (document damaged).
Interesting Wehrpass from soldier Hans Fritz Goller, a medic serving in Infanterie Regiment 179, 226 and 208. Was part of the invasion of France in 1940 and went all the way through Normandy. Afterwards he was send to the Russian front. He was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class for his bravery during the invasion…
Standard Luftwaffe service manual ‘Der Dienstunterricht in der Luftwaffe’ in good condition. dated 1940. Full of very interesting information! Hitler picture missing.
Genuine drinks order chart from the Wehrmacht officers casino (Offizierkasinos Bitch-Lager getränkekarte).
For sale, unique and unissued German ID cards ‘Deutsches Reich Kennkarte’. I have multiple examples for sale, asking 15 euro per card. Executed in water proof canvas.
Unissued German army Truppenausweis (military ID card). These were issued in ca. 1938 (dated ’38 in the bottom right corner) before the war and before the known ‘Solbuch’. I was able to obtain 5 mint and unissued examples selling at 30 euro each.Â
1944 Dated propaganda poster of the German Wehrmacht in the Dutch language about 40,000 Soviet Armored Vehicles Destroyed, and the nine ways to do it explained on the poster. Shows some tears but overal good condition.
Genuine and well preserved recuitment poster for the Belgian Wallon SS division. Poster remains in very good condition and has vivid colors. It tells the story of a poor labourer who joins the SS and gets wealthy. Size 60 x 80 cm.
A must have for any advanced collector out there, the bible of SS cap insignia! The revised edition. The book covers 132 pages and is easy to carry, for instance when you are visiting a militaria show. Both original and fake insignia are being discussed. New updated version of 2024.
GERMAN WRITTEN EDITION!! Wunderschönes Nachschlagewerk von meinem Freund Jan Meland. Das Buch behandelt Innenfutter, Nieten, Schalen, Fabrikmarkierungen, Chargennummern, Entlüftungslöcher, Kinnriemen, Aufkleber und vieles mehr. Die abgebildeten Helme sind M16, M17, M18, M34, M35, M36, M37, M38, M39, M40 und M42. Stoffbemalte Helme, neu aufgelegte Helme, neu bemalte/übermalte Helme, Tarnhelme, Helme mit Tarnanpassungen und Helmüberzüge. Ich…
A very rarely encountered set of General Staff spionage maps with all detailed information about different parts of Russia. All maps are marked by the ‘Generalstab des Heeres’ and were stored a long time in geografical archives. These archives were cleaned and dismantled a few years ago and this litterary ended up in the litter…
Original poster from the today called Ijzerbedevaart, a gathering for old-combatants from both World Wars.
Very nice peace poster with allied countries. Size 55 x 70 cm. Has an acceptance stamp from February 1945.
Original poster from the today called Ijzerbedevaart, a gathering for old-combatants from both World Wars.
Very nice Belgian made poster size 60 x 80cm with the text ‘Kolen Zijn Wapens’ (Coals are weapons). Poster has an acceptance stamp from April 1945. The poster shows the importance of coals for the war industry.
Straight from the German attic, a complete paper/photo grouping of Stabsfeldwebel Otto Mildebrandt. What you see is what you get. Just discovered grouping, no research has been done so far.
Beautiful and quite thick German field manual in good condition. Dated 1943. 1060 pages!
Interesting portrait pictures (one postcard size and one large size) of a young panzer shoulder, who apperantly was killed at the age of 18. Interesting to see a seldom seen M42 black panzer cap in wear.
Beautiful Wehrmacht propaganda poster in French. Showing a U-boot that has just sunk an allied ship with the text 30.000.000 de tonnes coulées (30 milion tons sunk). Not dated, I asume +-1943. Size 60 x 85 centimeters.
Very nice war time poster showing Waffen-SS soldiers at a disabled Russian tank. No text. This must have been used at SS recruitment offices. Size 60 x 75 cm
Very nice German propaganda poster for occupied Belgium (Flanders) ‘50% Der oorlogsvloot van de V.S. van het jaar 1939 werd in 39 dagen in den grond geboord’ (50% of the US war fleet of 1939 was sunk in 39 days). The poster discribes the weak war fleet of the United States. Size 60 cm x…
Very nice German propaganda poster for occupied Belgium (Flanders) ‘De Invasie Het Kerkhof Der Geallieerden’ (The Invasion, The Allied Graveyard). The poster discribes D-Day as one big graveyard. One corner is loose. Size 60 cm x 85 cm. Dated 1944.
Very nice German propaganda poster for occupied Belgium (Flanders) ‘Hier spreekt Amerika!’ (Here speaks America). The poster discribes the so called ‘lied’ President Rooseveld has been spreading concering the Germans. One panel is loose. Size 60 cm x 85 cm. Dated 1943.
Original war time stamp, created to support the members of the Flemish SS legion (Vlaams Legioen or Freiwilligen-Legion Flandern). Unissued example in excellent condition.
Genuine Waffen-SS ‘Kleiner Fahrschein’ train transport ticket in good condition.
Extremely rare and hard to find Flemish Hitlerjugend recruitment propaganda poster to join the sport camps in Germany. Size 62 cm x 82 cm. Very good condition, two small tears in the middle (see close-ups). Very nice and vivid colors. Folded in 3. Kijk in de toekomst! – Kom mee naar de Germaansche weersportkampen Duur:…
Extremely rare well preserved Flemish collaboration recruitment poster for the Org. Todt. Poster remains in very good condition and shows sharp and vivid colors. Shows the recruitment center’s adress in Brussels (Belgium) below. Size 35 cm x 55 cm. Perfect for display. Sociale zorg en goed loon voor het gezin = Social care and a…
A very nice and unqiue remembrance album from a USA based POW camp for German soldiers ‘Camp Atterbury Indiana’. Shows different drawings from soldiers in the camp.
Stunning and well preserved SS photoalbum with desirable map cover that shows SS runes. Complete with 84 pictures inside showing beautiful combat pictures in Russia with interesting vehicles, vehicle markings, uniforms, camouflage smocks etc…
WW1 German ‘Wanted’ poster 1918 Brussel (Belgium). 65cm x 53cm.
Well preserved Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939 award document to Luftwaffe Leutnant Hans-Werner Hansen, who was also awarded the Ehrenpokal der Luftwaffe. He served in Kampfgeschwader 27. The document is signed by Knight Cross bearer General der Flieger, Otto Dessloch, Chef of Luftflotte 4.
Belgian poster Repatriation of refugees 1940 in good condition. 58cm x 42cm.
Interesting Wehrpass of a sailor within a Marine Flak unit. He was killed in action on a Raumboot (Räumboote in German, literally “clearing boats”, meaning minesweepers) in Estonia (Reval) in 1944. Comes with some personal pictures of the man himself, one of them wearing a Belgian Adrian helmet on board of the ship!
Original army Soldbuch of Karl Ade, San.-Unteroffizier in a war hospital in Willingen. Was awarded the War Merit Cross 2nd class. Complete with all pages, and extra documents such as his licence for medic!
Very nice montly Dutch Allgemeine SS propaganda booklet, published by Afdeeling VII-A van de stafleiding der Germaansche SS – Rijksstraatweg 1 – Wageningen. Edition February nr.2 (Februari 1943 – 3e jaargang Nr. 2). Shows nice texts and illustrations. Great piece for display.
Nice and period portrait of a German army (Heer) infantry officer with many awards. Size 24cm x 17.5cm. Dated 1941
Nice and period portrait of a German army (Heer) infantry officer with many awards. Size 23cm x 17cm.
Rare and desirable Luftwaffe pilot ‘Luft-Navigationskarte’ of Westeuropa-Atlantischer Ozean and Ostsee-Balkan.. The map is executed in waterproof oilcoth, on bright fluorescent yellow paper for night flights. It remains in excellent, light used condition. Dated 1938.
Genuine Wehrmacht booklet with anti-tank guidelines and extra brochure of the Mark IV Churchill 1942
Nice booklet unit marked from Heeres-Küsten-Artillerie-Abteilung 706
Very interesting shopping window sticker from the DAF saying: Mitglied der Deutschen Arbeitsfront (Member of the German Workforce). The even more interesting part is of course the factory who produced this ‘decal’; C.A. Pocher G.m.b.H. Nürnberg-A Abzeihbilderfabrik, famous for the production of army, luftwaffe and SS decals on helmets.
Two nice wartime portraits, left a Hitlerjugend Flakhelper, late war ca.1944 and right two soldiers during Easter.
Interesting and complete SS file so called ‘SS B Akte’ from police Wachtmeister Willibald Hücking serving under the SS. The file is complete with many nice and interesting information. Lots of research to be done!
Original Flemish collaboratian booklet ‘De Toekomst Van Belgie’ about Adolf Hitler. Printed by a known collaborating publisher ‘Uitgeverij Steenlandt Brussel’. Complete with all pages intact, full of AH pictures!
Original set of three different either wounden and/or sick notes, that a soldiers would get. Unissued in good condition with strings attached.
Hard to find American published Mein Kampf in good condition. Signed, attributed and printed in 1939. Complete with all pages.
Hard to find – out of print – Book of Honour of the Belgian Resistance (Guldenboek van de Belgische weerstand). Linnen cover, all pages intact. Full of interesting information of Belgian resistance fighters.
Interesting textbook full of information and autographs.
Original Reichsluftshutzbund RLB membership card with stickpin.
Original unissued paper made price tags for Eickorn daggers. I have 4 pieces available, selling them at €75 per piece.Â
Wehrpass in good condition. Missingt the photo. Complete with entries. Wound badge in black in 1943.
WH (Heer) Handbook – ‘Reibert’ – ‘Der Dienst-Unterricht im Heere’. Special edition for ‘Schützen der Schützenkompie (mot.). The book was published in 1940 and has a green colored cover and features 333 pages with a lot of nice high quality photographs and illustrations.
Original army booklet for ‘ausbildungsvorschrift für die Infanterie’ from 1936. Good condition with all pages intact.
This is a very nice and well preserved Polizei Deinstpass from Wilhelm Groth. He served in various units as Feldgendarmerie (Military Police) during the war. He joined the NSDAP and SA in 1933. Started as Feldgendarmerie in army Infantry Regiment 15 before moving to the SS in the 2. SS Infantrie Brigade. Furthermore was enlisted…
Many young Belgian men were forced to work in the German war industry. This is one of these work booklets for Belgian citizen Ivo Pissoort from Moorsel (near Aalst). Complete booklet with ID picture and extra paper work.
Nice original picture of a mountain trooper with Der Spiess stripes on the cuffs. Wearing a mountain cap. Size 7.5 x 5 cm.
Original portrait picture with a soldier wearing his double decal helmet. Size 14 x 9 cm.
Genuine war time portrait picture of a KM officer. 14 x 8.5 cm.
Interesting document grouping from the Kissel Family. 1) Document from Joachim von Ribbentrop to Dr. Ing. h.c. Wilhelm Kissel, chairman of Mercedes-Benz with condolences for the loss of his son Hans-Werner. 2) Wehrpass of his other son Wilhelm (junior) Kissel, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 40. Shows many entries, units, promotions and awards.
Four genuine field post letters to SS-Kanonier Heinz Gebensleben who served in 1./SS-Flak-Ersatz-Abteilung
Interesting Belgian posten from 1936 where they are doing an experiment in case war would break out to put off all lights at night. From town Kessel-Loo near Leuven. Size 67cm x 49cm.
WW2 Belgian poster about stealing and healing 1940 – Mechelen. Size 61cm x 42cm.
Portrait picture of German foreign volunteer in captured clothing. Size 6x9cm.
Interesting booklet that certificated the SA sport badge. Nice with many entries. From Reinacher Ernst, who was part of SA Reitersturm 19/53.