Army (Heer) Wehrpass Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze
€150,00Very nice and well preserved Wehrpass from a member of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108. Was awarded the Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze. Killed in Action.
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Very nice and well preserved Wehrpass from a member of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108. Was awarded the Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze. Killed in Action.
Very nice soldbuch of Heeres-Flakartillerie-Abteilung 277, some pages are missing. Complete with picture.
Original and hard to find Kriegsmarine ‘U-boot’ Iron Cross first class 1939 award document to Technical Oberleutnant Hans Christensen. Awarded on dek (‘An Bord’) on February 9th 1945. Signed by Hans-Georg von Friedeburg, Admiral and commander of the submarines (Admiral und Kommandierender Admiral der Unterseeboote).
Original set of three different either wounden and/or sick notes, that a soldiers would get. Unissued in good condition with strings attached.
Rare Dutch translated offical edition of Mein Kampf ‘Mijn Kamp’. Complete book in good condition. Shows a nice attribution of 1945 in the front. Also the text Oorlogsbuit 1945 on another page (War souvenir 1945).
Hard to find American published Mein Kampf in good condition. Signed, attributed and printed in 1939. Complete with all pages.
Hard to find – out of print – Book of Honour of the Belgian Resistance (Guldenboek van de Belgische weerstand). Linnen cover, all pages intact. Full of interesting information of Belgian resistance fighters.
Interesting textbook full of information and autographs.
Original Reichsluftshutzbund RLB membership card with stickpin.
Original unissued paper made price tags for Eickorn daggers. I have 4 pieces available, selling them at €75 per piece.
Interesting army Wehrpass from Gefreiter Georg Winter, a World War One veteran who was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class 1914 and the Black Wound Badge. He was re-enlisted in Word War 2 and was the driver of a horse with cart.
Wehrpass in good condition. Missingt the photo. Complete with entries. Wound badge in black in 1943.
WH (Heer) Handbook – ‘Reibert’ – ‘Der Dienst-Unterricht im Heere’. Special edition for ‘Schützen der Schützenkompie (mot.). The book was published in 1940 and has a green colored cover and features 333 pages with a lot of nice high quality photographs and illustrations.
Original army booklet for ‘ausbildungsvorschrift für die Infanterie’ from 1936. Good condition with all pages intact.
This is a very nice and well preserved Polizei Deinstpass from Wilhelm Groth. He served in various units as Feldgendarmerie (Military Police) during the war. He joined the NSDAP and SA in 1933. Started as Feldgendarmerie in army Infantry Regiment 15 before moving to the SS in the 2. SS Infantrie Brigade. Furthermore was enlisted…
Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’. This is a special blue leather jubilee edition for the 50th birthday of Adolf Hitler. Unissued example with blank dedicationpage. The book was published by the “Zentralverlag der NSDAP, rz. Eher Nachf.” from München in 1939. The book features 781 pages. The blue leather hardcover is showing an gold imprinted Sword…
Many young Belgian men were forced to work in the German war industry. This is one of these work booklets for Belgian citizen Ivo Pissoort from Moorsel (near Aalst). Complete booklet with ID picture and extra paper work.
Nice original picture of a mountain trooper with Der Spiess stripes on the cuffs. Wearing a mountain cap. Size 7.5 x 5 cm.
Original SS-Totenkopfverbände portrait picture with soldier wearing his SS double decal M35 steel helmet. Cleary showing ET-pattern runes on the helmet!
Original portrait picture with a soldier wearing his double decal helmet. Size 14 x 9 cm.
Genuine war time portrait picture of a KM officer. 14 x 8.5 cm.
Interesting document grouping from the Kissel Family. 1) Document from Joachim von Ribbentrop to Dr. Ing. h.c. Wilhelm Kissel, chairman of Mercedes-Benz with condolences for the loss of his son Hans-Werner. 2) Wehrpass of his other son Wilhelm (junior) Kissel, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 40. Shows many entries, units, promotions and awards.
Four genuine field post letters to SS-Kanonier Heinz Gebensleben who served in 1./SS-Flak-Ersatz-Abteilung
Nice and honest Waffen-SS Wehrpass in good condition. All pages complete and undamaged. SS-Infanterie-Regiment 8, later SS-Panzer-Grenadierregiment 39, part of 18. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division “Horst Wessel”. Part of a signals (SS-Nachrichten) company. Awarded the black wound badge (for a grenade shrapnel), Iron Cross 2nd Class and Infantry Assault badge. Served until the end of the war in…
Interesting Belgian posten from 1936 where they are doing an experiment in case war would break out to put off all lights at night. From town Kessel-Loo near Leuven. Size 67cm x 49cm.
WW2 Belgian poster about stealing and healing 1940 – Mechelen. Size 61cm x 42cm.
WW1 German ‘Wanted’ poster 1918 Brussel (Belgium). 65cm x 53cm.
Belgian poster Repatriation of refugees 1940 in good condition. 58cm x 42cm.
Portrait picture of German foreign volunteer in captured clothing. Size 6x9cm.
Rare German death card from Kompanie-Chef and Oberleutnant Georg Gill of a Gebirgs-Pionier-Battalion . He was awarded the Iron Cross first and second class, A silver Close Combat Clasp (Nahkampfspange), a General Assult badge, Silver wound badge, Croatian War Merit Cross and the Eastern Front medal. Fought in Poland, France, Russia, Greece, Bulgaria en Yougoslavia.
Interesting booklet that certificated the SA sport badge. Nice with many entries. From Reinacher Ernst, who was part of SA Reitersturm 19/53.
Well preserved paper award document for the black wound badge of Rudolf Ahrens, who served in Grenadier-Regiment 428
Well preserved Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939 award document to Luftwaffe Leutnant Hans-Werner Hansen, who was also awarded the Ehrenpokal der Luftwaffe. He served in Kampfgeschwader 27. The document is signed by Knight Cross bearer General der Flieger, Otto Dessloch, Chef of Luftflotte 4.
Beautiful book about the Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg. Complete with soft cover and cardboard protection case, also marked on the front.
Original death notice from SS-Sturmmann from a Panzer-Regiment ‘Karl Klaffl’. Died from an air raid in Mamers, Normandy on the 4th of August 1944. This is a letter for a commemoration in his local community on 16th november 1944. Size 21cm x 15cm.
Interesting document grouping from Unteroffizier Hans Krisch serving in Panzergrenadier-Regiment 21, part of the 24th Panzer-Division that saw action in Stalingrad. The grouping consist of a Iron Cross 2nd class document and a rare Close Combat Clasp (Nahkampfspange im Bronze) document. Interesting to see is the period error they made, when they erased one roman…
Very nice montly Dutch Allgemeine SS propaganda booklet, published by Afdeeling VII-A van de stafleiding der Germaansche SS – Rijksstraatweg 1 – Wageningen. Edition February nr.2 (Februari 1943 – 3e jaargang Nr. 2). Shows nice texts and illustrations. Great piece for display.
Very nice montly Dutch Allgemeine SS propaganda booklet, published by Afdeeling VII-A van de stafleiding der Germaansche SS – Rijksstraatweg 1 – Wageningen. Edition January Nr.1 (Januari 1943 – 3e jaargang Nr. 1). Shows nice texts and illustrations. Great piece for display.
Nice and period portrait of a German army (Heer) infantry officer with many awards. Size 24cm x 17.5cm. Dated 1941
Nice and period portrait of a German army (Heer) infantry officer with many awards. Size 23cm x 17cm.
Nice grouping containing three award documents of Leutnant Rudolf Matthäus, part of Infanterie-Regiment 181 (52. Infantry Divisionon). The documents are for the Iron Cross first and second class and a Silver Wound Badge (document damaged).
Very interesting shopping window sticker from the DAF saying: Mitglied der Deutschen Arbeitsfront (Member of the German Workforce). The even more interesting part is of course the factory who produced this ‘decal’; C.A. Pocher G.m.b.H. Nürnberg-A Abzeihbilderfabrik, famous for the production of army, luftwaffe and SS decals on helmets.
Well preserved propaganda book with +-120 photos of H. Hoffmann from Adolf Hitler and his Blitzkrieg in the West in 1940. Complete with original paper cover, shows damaged Hitler head. Size 26.5cm x 19cm
Interesting Wehrpass from soldier Hans Fritz Goller, a medic serving in Infanterie Regiment 179, 226 and 208. Was part of the invasion of France in 1940 and went all the way through Normandy. Afterwards he was send to the Russian front. He was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class for his bravery during the invasion…
Genuine drinks order chart from the Wehrmacht officers casino (Offizierkasinos Bitch-Lager getränkekarte).
Two nice wartime portraits, left a Hitlerjugend Flakhelper, late war ca.1944 and right two soldiers during Easter.
Very interesting and complete SS wehrpass document grouping. The previous owner wrote all the information in a nice text, that could be seen on the last 3 photographs. This man served in two famous SS units first the 9th SS-Panzer Division Hohenstaufen, after completed the basic training in Amersfoort (The Netherlands). He was afterwards transfered…
Very rare SS Concentration camp guard’s Soldbuch from Mauthausen to a man named Kurt Beckmann. Late in the war, Göring presented Himmler with one thousand older men from his Luftwaffe as a gift to the SS to help free up the SS men at the concentration camps who could otherwise be fighting at the front….
Interesting and complete SS file so called ‘SS B Akte’ from police Wachtmeister Willibald Hücking serving under the SS. The file is complete with many nice and interesting information. Lots of research to be done!
Standard Luftwaffe service manual ‘Der Dienstunterricht in der Luftwaffe’ in good condition. dated 1940. Full of very interesting information! Hitler picture missing.
Very interesting artillery ‘Schiesskarte’ in good condition. Came from the Kommandantur Gent (Leopoldskazerne) for the area of Brugge and Oostende. Dated 1944 and issued post war to the Scouts.
Original Police booklet for pedestrians in traffic. A very nice example with all pages intact.
NSDAP book of poems ‘Die Fahne Der Vervolgten’.