Showing 1–100 of 11781 resultsSorted by latest

Beautiful brass constructed Kriegsmarine officer dagger in good conditon. Complete with its silver colored portepee. The scabbard shows nice ageing and patina. Maker marked by ‘Original Eickhorn Solingen’. Etched blade is in excellent condition. A honest KM dagger in untouched condition. SHIPPING IN MAINLAND EUROPE ONLY!

Very nice unworn officer dress belt in good condition. Aluminum buckle shows nice details, void of maker marked. Belt is marked with size 105cm (with pencil on the buckle). Beautiful and complete belt.

Standard Wehrmacht Compass (Marschkompaß), executed in black-coloured Bakelite. The compass is nicely maker marked by the company ‘boa’ (Venditor – Kunststoff-Verkaufges.m.b.H Troisdorf). Nice original example in good condition!

Standard Wehrmacht Compass (Marschkompaß), executed in black-coloured Bakelite. The compass is nicely maker marked by the company ‘clk’ (Breithaupt & Sohn F.W., Kassel). The compass comes with its original carrying cord. Nice original example in good condition!

M36 pattern shoulder board for Jäger or Gebirgsjäger having grass green piping, with silver tresse for the rank of Unteroffizier. Show light wear.

Single M36 pattern NCO shoulder board for a member of the Kriegsmarine Küstenartillerie.

Single M36 pattern NCO shoulder board for a member of the Kriegsmarine Küstenartillerie.

Single M36 pattern NCO shoulder board for a member of the Kriegsmarine Küstenartillerie.

This is a Wehrmacht (Heer) Artillery Gun-Layer Arm Badge (Abzeichen für Richtkannoniere der Artillerie). The badge is executed in the so-called BeVo weave-technique, woven in golden-yellow on a dark-green background. The badge is showing the ‘thicker’ woven backing as usual for this type of badge. The badge is a bit wrinkled from years of storage. Nice original…

Uniform removed M38 pattern army ‘BeVo’ flatwire breast eagle in good condition. These eagles were used for a Waffenrock parade jacket or to upgrade a regular Feldbluse.

One of the rarest cocardes to find nowadays – genuine army (Heer) tropical Afrikakorps ‘BeVo’ cap cocarde in worn condition.

Genuine, light worn, uniform removed, M40 Kriegsmarine coastal artillery rank chevron for the rank of Obergefreiter.

Interesting document grouping from the Kissel Family. 1) Document from Joachim von Ribbentrop to Dr. Ing. h.c. Wilhelm Kissel, chairman of Mercedes-Benz with condolences for the loss of his son Hans-Werner. 2) Wehrpass of his other son Wilhelm (junior) Kissel, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 40. Shows many entries, units, promotions and awards.

Original booklet ‘Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift’ , taken by a USA GI soldier during the war. Dated 1941

Original booklet ‘Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift’ , taken by a USA GI soldier during the war. Dated 1941

Original book written by Luftwaffe commander Hermann Göring, ‘Werk und Mensch’. Dated 1940. Good, used, condition.

A must have for any advanced collector out there, the bible of SS cap insignia! The revised edition. The book covers 132 pages and is easy to carry, for instance when you are visiting a militaria show. Both original and fake insignia are being discussed. New updated version of 2024.

GERMAN WRITTEN EDITION!! Wunderschönes Nachschlagewerk von meinem Freund Jan Meland. Das Buch behandelt Innenfutter, Nieten, Schalen, Fabrikmarkierungen, Chargennummern, Entlüftungslöcher, Kinnriemen, Aufkleber und vieles mehr. Die abgebildeten Helme sind M16, M17, M18, M34, M35, M36, M37, M38, M39, M40 und M42. Stoffbemalte Helme, neu aufgelegte Helme, neu bemalte/übermalte Helme, Tarnhelme, Helme mit Tarnanpassungen und Helmüberzüge. Ich…

100% original new old stock of WW2 1939 Iron Cross 2nd class ribbons. Measure 29cm per piece. With this size you have enough ribbon for 2 crosses. Do not light up under UV light. Textbook pieces, hard to find! Beautiful ribbon. (Ribbons are not folded as in the pictures) selling them at 15 euro each.

Original full lenght ribbons for both 1st and 2nd class Luftschutz medals. Hard to find. I recenlty found a new old stock of these. Selling them at 10 euro per piece. Length 20cm folded in three.

Very unique and seldom offered for sale SS-Polizei panzer wrapper. This black uniform is a typical SS-tailored wrapper (and not a Police one shown here). This uniform was taken out the the SS stocks and finished for Polizei troops, serving under the SS. The jacket is complete with its original applied Polizei insignia. Shows light…

Unique offer: German General M36 pattern officer-style feldbluse for a Veterinary General, having crimson branch-colored boards and collar tabs. Sewn-in general shoulder boards show a golden ‘Veterinär’ snake. All insignia are orginal applied and well sunk into the wool. Collar tabs shows beautiful golden embroidered oak leaves. Jacket is executed in a somehwat lighter twill,…

Worn medium size German Wehrmacht winter parka (Wendejacke 43), reversible to white. Combat worn piece with very nice camouflage ‘Sumpftarnmuster 43 and 44’-pattern colors. Maker marks are faded. The jacket is complete with its often-missing waist belt and pull strings. Complete with most correct buttons on the camo side and white colored buttons on the…

Genuine M40 steel helmet by EF. A very nice fake SS decal has been put on the helmet (years ago!) and shows ageing and patina. Still it remains a nice helmet that nearly looks as good as the real thing. Origina liner and split pins are not messed with. Maker/size marked EF66 , lot number…

Rare and desirable German helmet chin strap in good condition. Leather is strong. Steel buckle, silver coated. No repairs. Void of maker marks, construction ca. 1941.

Genuine worn draw string for a German M31 helmet liner. Full length: 51cm

Very nice seldom encountered M43 trapezoid cap eagle insignia for army officers, executed in silver flat wire. Typical so called ‘BeVo-weave’ example. Unissued – MINT.

Very nice seldom encountered M43 trapezoid cap eagle insignia for army officers, executed in silver flat wire. Typical so called ‘BeVo-weave’ example. Unissued – MINT.

Very nice seldom encountered M43 trapezoid cap eagle insignia for army officers, executed in silver flat wire. Typical so called ‘BeVo-weave’ example. Unissued – MINT.

Genuine and very early M33 pattern army cap eagle. Flat woven ‘BeVo’ construction. Unissued example

Unworn standard Luftwaffe breast eagle. Machine embroidered eagle in white thread on blue felt. Textbook example, to be worn on a Luftwaffe fliegerbluse.

Hard to find army officer thick embroidered cap cocarde in silver bullion thread. Excellent piece, light worn example.

Unissued Waffen-SS (or Panzer) rank badge for SS-Oberschütze. Unworn example in very good condition.

Waffen-SS Gas Protection NCO’s Specialty Patch (‘Gasschutzunteroffizier Ärmelabzeichen’). The patch is showing a gasmask with breathing filter in silver/grey cotton threads on a black woolen background. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!

Genuine Waffen-SS embroidered edelweiss cap badge in good condition. To be worn on the SS mountain trooper field cap or Bergmütze.

Unissued Reichsarbeitsdienst ‘RAD’ cap insignia for officers (Leader – Führer). Flat woven ‘BeVo’ construction with silver flatwire thread. Maker marked ‘RADJ’ Ges. Gesch.

Very very hard to find officer cap eagle for a member of the Bahnschutzpolizei. Flat woven badge, ‘BeVo’-weave construction with silver color ‘flatwire’ on blue backing for officer use. Mint and unissued piece. First time I have to chance to offer a rare eagle like this!

Very very hard to find officer cap eagle administration officer of the kriegsmarine. Flat woven badge, ‘BeVo’-weave construction with silver color ‘flatwire’ on navy blue backing for officer use. Mint and unissued piece. First time I have to chance to offer a rare eagle like this!

Very very hard to find officer cap eagle for panzer troops. Flat woven badge, ‘BeVo’-weave construction with silver color ‘flatwire’ for officer use. Worn piece, removed from the cap. First time I have to chance to offer a rare eagle like this!

Very nice and seldom encountered M43 trapezoid cap insignia for army officers, executed in silver flatwire. Typical so called ‘BeVo-weave’ example. Unissued – MINT.

Very nice and seldom encountered M43 trapezoid cap insignia for army officers, executed in silver flatwire. Typical so called ‘BeVo-weave’ example. Unissued – MINT.

Insignia collectors will known, this is a very hard bird to encounter. A first pattern M33 style black panzer breast eagle, executed in silver woven ‘flatwire’ for officers. The piece remains in unissued and MINT condition. First time I ever had an eagle like this to offer.

Rare and desirable Waffen-SS officer collar tab for officer (and/or NCO) ranks. The tabs show no wear and remains in MINT unissued condition. This is very seldom seen variant executed in silver flatwire, made by the BeVo company. A beautiful tab, impossible to upgrade!

Light worn bullion eagle for a army officer (overseas, M43, visor-) cap.

Genuine Waffen-SS embroidered sleeve edelweiss in good condition.

Standard M38 pattern breast eagle. Flat woven ‘BeVo-weave’ example in gold on dark green backing. Issued on coastal artillerie ‘Küsten-Artillerie’. Uniform removed example.

Worn silver bullion embroidered national eagle for an army officer (overseas, M43 and/or visor-) cap.

Textbook and unissued ‘SS Panzer-trap’ cap insignia to be worn on a black colored M43 cap. Classic flat woven BeVo construction.

Genuine light worn set of copper-brown piped SS officer shoulder boards for the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer of a concentration camp guard unit. Boards show light wear and are uniform removed.

Seldom seen flatwoven ‘BeVo’-style breast eagle for the tropical ‘Afrikakorps’ uniform of the German navy.

Standard tropical ‘DAK’ army cap eagle. Unissued and mint example. Flat woven ‘BeVo-weave’ example on tan colored backing. Issued on tropical M34 overseas caps and M41 field caps.

Genuine tropical Waffen-SS sleeve eagle in MINT and unissued condition. Classic flat woven ‘BeVo’ type with tan colored thread on black backing.

Maker marked with RZM M1/72 (Fritz Zimmermann). Complete with prongs. Unissued mint example.

Original unissued NSDAP visor cap cocarde. Maker marked by RZM M1/53 Noelle & Hueck G.m.b.H of Lüdenscheid. Complete with paper RZM tag still attached showing the same M1/53 mark. The swastika cocarde itself, also unissued is marked RZM M1/64 (lbert Winges, Trusen). A beautiful set!

Genuine and well preserved NSDAP leaders brocade belt in excellent minimal worn condition. Leather is strong and supple. Leather belt is maker marked by KERNSTUCK RZM L2/60/41. The buckle catch is marked by RZM M4/72 (Wilhelm Deumer, Lüdenscheid). The buckle itself, is an aluminum constructed piece coated in gold. It is maker marked by RZM…

Genuine light used Kriegsmarine battleflag (Reichskriegsflagge) exectued in cotton. Marked ‘Reichskriegsflg. 1,0 X 1,7 and has a Kriegsmarine acceptance stamp. Size 100×170 (centimeters). Complete with inner rope present.

From my personal collection: Beautiful and well-designed Olympia Ehrenzeichen first and second class with original ribbon attached. Made by Godet (Berlin). Shows no enamel damages. Comes with a miniature and olympic rings tinnie. A very nice and attractive medal set, both in their genuine presentation case. ONLY SELLING THIS AS A SET

From my personal colleciton: RARE and beautiful MINT bronze panzer made by Arno Walpach (Maker mark A.W.S. 1942). Zinc made example with bronze finish. Comes with the matching envlope. A choice example in excellent condition. Discussed here.

SHIPPING ONLY IN MAINLAND EUROPE! From my personal collection: Nice late type M33 NSKK dagger in MINT, unissued condition. Maker marked by RZM M7/13 (Arthur Schüttelhöfer, Solingen). The wooden grip is nearly perfect and looking really good. The blade is nice and shows no wear and sharp details. All silver parts are zink plated and…

Stunning and rare transitional SA dagger in good condition. These daggers were produced in the small period between the maker marks and the RZM marks and carried both logo’s on the blade. This example was made by Carl Eickhorn in 1939 (RZM M7/66) from Solingen. The dagger and scabbard remain in very good condition showing…

The D.V.G., “Deutscher Volksgenossen Bund” (German Fellow-countrymen League), was comprised of ethnic Germans from the Alsace-Lorraine region who sought unification with Germany. Although not formally associated with the NSDAP, they copied their membership badge but reversed the colors. A 24mm diameter, die struck alloy and enameled badge featuring a black outer border, edged in silver,…

Hard to find Police faithful service medal in very good condition, complete with matching box. Back of the medal states ‘Für treue Diesnte im der Polizei’ and has a number 8 in the middle. Complete with ribbon that has a pinback system attached.

Attractive combat worn Werhmacht/Waffen-SS CCC in bronze (Close Combat Clasp – Nahkampfspange by Steinhauer & Lück, Lüdenscheid. Zinc construction with crimped in magnetic backplate missing and soldered on set up. Maker marked by F&BL (Funke & Brüninghaus, Lüdenscheid) (hard to see). Worn condition with most bronze finish intact.

Good looking ‘Feinzinc’ constructed PAB in light worn condition. Very nice and sharp details. Original pin and catch. Typical design and set-up from the firm of Deumer.

Standard tropical ‘DAK’ army cap eagle. Unissued and mint example. Flat woven ‘BeVo-weave’ example on tan colored backing. Issued on tropical M34 overseas caps and M41 field caps.

Standard tropical ‘DAK’ army cap eagle. Unissued and mint example. Flat woven ‘BeVo-weave’ example on tan colored backing. Issued on tropical M34 overseas caps and M41 field caps.

Black colored breast eagle in typical flat BeVo woven style for army panzer units. M44 pattern in triangular shape.

Black colored breast eagle in typical flat BeVo woven style for army panzer units. M44 pattern in triangular shape.

Genuine WW2 82nd Airborne patch in good condition. Uniform removed piece.

Classic late war ‘Dachau’ made Waffen-SS sleeve patch from the (Kroatische SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division) 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS “Handschar” . Excellent piece in unissued condition.

Late-war printed army volunteer POA (Русская освободительная армия) ‘Russian Liberation Army‘ shield. Unissued example in MINT condition. These shields came straight out of a American veterans bring back haul that I acquired earlier this year. Hard to find original printed late war volunteer shields amongst many fakes these day! I still have a couple of…

Army BeVo woven sleeve-shield as intended for a volunteer within the ‘Armenien’ Legion (Ärmelschild für Freiwillige Armenien). Nice original BeVo Eastern volunteer insignia in mint and unissued condition!

Very rare and seldom seen army crusher cap with white piping for infantry by the Erel firm. The visor is worn but has suffered from some mothing unforunately. The national insignia up front are original but restored the the cap in my opinion. The interior shows light wear and is marked with the Erel logo…

Beautiful light worn M42 pattern army steel helmet. Single decal example with the correct pattern eagle by Huber Jordan u. Koerner (aka Thin winged decal) for this maker (EF). The decal rates well over 85% and still shows sharp detail. The helmet is complete with an original liner, dated 1943 (I deem). The leather feels…

Mountain trooper ‘Gebirgsjäger’ embroidered sleeve edelweiss patch in perfect, worn and uniform removed condition. Embroidered on black backing material. A pristine example!

Zinc constructed GAB in good condition. Silver finish is still present. Original pin and catch. Maker marked by R.S. (Rudolf Souval).

Nicely worn Wehrmacht silver wound badge. Maker marked on the reverse with 107, which is the code of the firm of Carl Wild in Hamburg

Genuine Black wound badge in worn condition. Mid-war magnetic example. Retains most of its black coating.

Genuine Black wound badge in worn condition. Mid-war magnetic example. Retains most of its black coating.

Genuine Black wound badge in worn condition. Early-war non-magnetic example in brass. Rarely seen variant with a semi hollow back.

Genuine Black wound badge in worn condition. Early-war non-magnetic example in brass.

Genuine Black wound badge in worn condition. Early-war non-magnetic example in brass.

Genuine Black wound badge in worn condition. Early-war non-magnetic example in brass.

Genuine Black wound badge in worn condition. Early-war non-magnetic example in brass.

Seldom seen and original RMfdbO (Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete) or Ostministerium feldbluse in excellent, light worn condition. Complete with all of its genuine RMfdbO buttons! Comes with a original ribbon bar. The tunic shows no damages and has a nice large size. The liner is pefect and shows a dagger hanger. No tailor labels visible. The Reich…

Odd, late-war made GJ anorak in white color. Executed not from canavs but white cotton, the same material used for the liner of German combat trousers. Unissued piece, maker marded with RBNr. Complete with buttons and neck string.

Truely mint and unissued HJ belt. We were luckly to obtain 5 nearly identical unissued pieces, all with the original RZM label still attached. The label says ‘HJ.-DJ. 2 Koppel nach Vorschrift’ and all are numbered. This particular example is size 75.

Truely mint and unissued HJ belt. We were luckly to obtain 5 nearly identical unissued pieces, all with the original RZM label still attached. The label says ‘HJ.-DJ. 2 Koppel nach Vorschrift’ and all are numbered. This particular example is size 75.

Genuine light worn Iron Cross 2nd class in very good condition. Unmarked example, standard design type. Comes with its original ribbon.

Genuine German WW2 package of 6 cigarettes. Remains in unopened condition, still sealed together with a ‘nazi-eagle’ label. Made by ‘Salem’.

Original drivers licence in oilcloth material.

Original Hitler Youth song book in good condition. 170 pages, complete.

Genuine late war ‘Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht’ armband in light worn condition. Printed example where they would use white cotton to print/paint this armband on. This technique was often used on banners an various type of insignia late in the war.

Original steel buckle with silver plating. Good condition, light worn. Maker marked on the reverse RZM M4/39, Assmann & Söhne.

Nice and light worn standard m31 pattern Wehrmacht/SS bread bag in good condition. Buttons and straps are all present and complete. Maker marked on the reverse strap, dated 1942.

Genuine light worn M31 pattern Luftwaffe bread bag in worn condition. Mid-war manufacturing with steel parts (ca.1942). Executed in blue canvas cloth.

Vehilce flag (pennant), perfect for display in a collection. Size 52cm x 27cm. Double sided flag with swastika in the middle. Surrounded by a braided white/black rim. Complete with two attachment rings for a pole.

Very nice tailor made ‘Kleiderklasse’-style M36 pattern officer Feldbluse in green wool cloth. The jacket is complete with all of its original applied insignia. The pink piped collar tabs and shoulder boards indicate this was a ‘Leutnant’ of a Panzerjäger-Regiment. The jacket shows no damages and looks really good – close to MINT condition. The…

Stunning and very well preserved M16 steel helmet from the first world war. The helmet retains its genuine green color on the exterior and interior and just looks great. Complete with original installed liner, draw string. The chin strap is a stunning replica that suits the helmet well. The shell has a faded marking which…

Very rare unworn pair of WH/SS enlisted men boots with hob nails. Maker and size marked; A. Ludwig, Selbitz – 30 1/2. Perfect to complete any display from 1933 untill 1945. A beautiful standard issue pair of boots in brown leather!