M35 Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS three tone ‘Normandy’ camouflage helmet EF64 named



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SKU: H3010 Categories: ,


Beautiful one-looker Wehrmacht camouflage helmet is so called Normandy colors. The helmet started as a double decal helmet (maybe SS, as a white decal is still present in the bottom layer) that was reissued during the war. By the looks of it, they used rough blue paint when it was reissued, I would asume for Luftwaffe use. Afterwards the helmet received a thick layer of tan colored vehicle paint and was spray painted with red/brown & green stripes across the lid. Complete with liner, having a steel band, confirming this was indeed a reissued helmet as it does not have an early aluminum liner. The leather shows a lot of wear and damages tongues. Chin strap is a nice reproduction added by the previous collector. Shell is marked by EF size 64. Lot number remains hard to read because it’s hidden under the reissued paint. A beautiful structured camouflage helmet that could basicly serve on either an Army, Luftwaffe or Waffen-SS display.