Wehrmacht judge uniform grouping from Oberfeldrichter Dr. Lampel
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Out of the woodwork in Austria a few weeks ago; untouched grouping of Dr. Anton Lampel. Lampel, born in Austria in Steinfeld on August 6, 1897 served as a Leutnant in the First World War. Just before the Second World War he joined the Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 137, an Austrian mountain trooper unit within the Wehrmacht. After a few promotions and unit changes he ended up at the Höhere Pionierführer 19. in 1945 as Oberfeldrichter (Colonel-Judge).
The uniform in the grouping is the same tunic as on the portrait picture, with the only difference that it was before his promotion to Oberfeldrichter, hence his old insignia are still mounted on the picture. The tunic today shows the high rank ‘Richter’ maroon colored insignia. The breast eagle was period removed during captivity in 1945. It was common back then to change your insignia upon promotion, certainly with officers. All insignia are 100% original period sewn to the garment. The KVK and Eastern front ribbon remain the same on the picture and could be clearly seen. Interesting of course is the letter from a friend who congratulate Dr. Lampel with his War Merit Cross first class, as he was the first judge in the Wehrmacht to receive such a high award (it says…). Since it was still early in the war the cross should be early…. and yes it is; the cross is a Buntmetall constructed piece by Petz & Lorenz, a rare variant and worth a lot of money on its own. This same cross and First World War wound badge are also recognizable on the portrait picture.
Besides the uniform a lot of documents are still present from 1917 until 1950. There are some extra medals, ribbons and shoulder boards included as well, one of those boards was removed prior to his promotion and could still be seen in the picture. The Administrative boards with blue under layer are for a military justice officer and match this grouping of course with him being a judge.
And incredible and rare grouping of a Wehrmacht judge, the first I ever owned and will own. Lots of research could still be done here.