M43 Waffen-SS ‘two-hole’ Feldbluse by ‘712’ 1944 La Gleize



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SKU: C204 Category:


Classic M43 pattern so called ‘two hole’ Waffen-SS pattern feldbluse by SS maker ’712’. These SS jackets only have two belt support hook holes instead of 3 for WH jackets. Besides the holes they also only have 5 buttons in front. The jacket is heavy worn and shows clear traces of SS collar tabs and a cufftitle being removed. The eagle was ripped of the jacket and the previous owner restored in with ‘donor’ cloth from inside one of the bottom pockets. The jacket remains void of its insignia, as these were removed in captivity. The genuine SS infantry shoulder boards remain present, and worth a small fortune on their own today! The liner is made out of different shades of grey colored ribbed cotton, again typical for SS material. The field blouse is maker marked with number ’712’ above the size markings. Under these markings the date ’44 (1944) is visible. The jacket was found in halftrack after the battle in La Gleize during the Battle Of The Buldge in 1944. This jacket was brought the local museum there, were it was part of there display for many years. A rare and seldom offered for sale SS jacket with a known history and provenance!