RARE Luftwaffe tropical ‘Hermann Meyer’ visor cap with RBNr.



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SKU: H2454 Category:


Hard to find unworn and MINT Luftwaffe Afrikakorps/tropical visor cap, so called ‘Hermann Meyer’ cap. The cap has a set of reproduction insignia on the front, I left them there because I still found it better than a cap with no insignia at all. The genuine leather chin strap remains present but the neck guard is missing. It is neatly maker marked with RBNr. 0/0471/0050 and size marked 55 1/2. A beautiful cap – very hard to encounter nowadays

The cap has a set of reproduction insignia on the front, I’m putting this in BIG letters because three people already ordered this cap and then canceled it because they did not read the description. I’m aware an untouched cap costs 3000 euro. This is an original HM cap in good condition.